NM mellomdistanse finale H21A (open) (2019-09-14)
Categoria: Competition
Nome della mappa: Tjøme, Sandefjord
Paese: NOR
Disciplina: MD
Distanza: 6.62 km
Tempo: 49:03
Media HR: 147
Massimo HR: 161
Running the NM MD finale for fun in open class after the competition. Best time 32.19 (Eirik L.Breivik).
Difficult for me to find a good flow all the way, and the best lines on this detailed terrain. Nicer parts of the forest in the north but why did they set an arena passage here ?! No spectators, no TV, and shit terrain next to the arena.
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NM mellomdistanse finale H21A (open) (2019-09-14) NM mellomdistanse finale H21A (open) (2019-09-14)