25manna str.5D (2015-10-10)
Categoria: Competition
Nome della mappa: Lövsättra, Vallentuna
Paese: SWE
Disciplina: relay
Frazione della staffetta: 5
Distanza: 6.88 km
Tempo: 36:50
Time (36.50) // Distance (6.2 > 6.9 km) // RK: (5.55 > 5.20)
Time loss: 2>15" (attack) - 3>1'15 (plan?+little panic) 9>30" (deviation+plan) (T~2')
Missed the extra gear. Time exchanged with SimonS in eventor (don't think he's so happy about that) :)
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25manna str.5D (2015-10-10) 25manna str.5D (2015-10-10)